Thursday, April 16, 2020

Webinar-Healthcare Summit 2020

Healthcare Summit 2020 webinar is an online seminar that turns a presentation into a real-time conversation from anywhere in the world. The DAY SESSIONS starts 09:00-17:00 GMT on 15 June | 2020
For more info visit: 
hashtaghealthcare hashtaghealthcaresummit hashtagdigitalhealth hashtagwebinar

Friday, March 27, 2020

Promoting Human health by the method of healthcare and its aspect


16th World Congress on Healthcare & Technologies


WEBINAR15 June | 2020

A webinar is an online seminar that turns a presentation into a real-time conversation from anywhere in the world. Webinars allow large groups of participants to engage in online discussions or training events and share audio, documents or slides – even when they’re not in the same place as the meeting host or in the same room where the event or presentation is taking place.

09:00AM TO 17:00PM
FROM 20:00PM

Healthcare Summit 2020: Promoting Human health by the method of healthcare and its aspects
It aims to bring together audience of lecturer, healthcare industry, healthcare professionals through the topics, engage participants in debate, and facilitate mutual understanding. The goal of the event is to provide a place for academicians and professionals with the interests related to healthcare, advanced healthcare and primary care to interact with members.

Healthcare                                                                       • Healthcare and Environmental health
• Healthcare and Innovation                                             • Healthcare and Women’s Health
• Advanced healthcare                                                       • Healthcare Statistics and Research
• Healthcare and Technology                                             • Healthcare & Infectious Diseases
• Paediatrics Healthcare                                                      • Healthcare and Chronic Diseases
• Healthcare and Nursing                                                    • Healthcare and Sociology
• Digital Health                                                                     • Healthcare and Alternative Healthcare
• Healthcare and Mental Health                                           • Healthcare and Global Economics        
• Healthcare and Medical Informatics                                  • Healthcare in pregnancy

• Healthcare and Primary Healthcare                                    • Child Healthcare


International Speaker Certification Hard copy of Conference Souvenir, ID card and certificate will be sent to your address
• Online publication of the abstract in the conference website
• Abstract publication in the conference proceeding with the unique DOI given
• Exclusive Speaker Pages in relation with the conference website for registered speakers and Organizing Committee Members
• Special Publication discount benefits as a conference attendee
• Group Registration discounts
• Outstanding Young Researcher Award
• Nominations for Best Poster Award
• International Networking
• Scientific Association, Collaboration
CONFERENCE DIRECTOR                                                     REGISTRATION PRICES
Angelina Watts                                                                              Speaker Registration €249
Healthcare Summit 2020
WhatsApp: +447480788032                                                          Delegate Registration €299

For more visit our webinar :

Monday, September 23, 2019


Healthcare Summit aims to bring together the Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Administrators, Physicians, Healthcare Technicians, Primary care Providers, Healthcare Specialists, Healthcare Workers, Professors and Students in all the areas of Healthcare & Technologies.
The conference is focusing on the theme Promoting Human health by the method of healthcare and its aspects with the aim to bring together audience of lecturer, healthcare industry and healthcare professionals through the topics, engage participants in debate, and facilitate mutual understanding. The goal of the event is to provide a place for academicians and professionals with the interests related to healthcare, advanced healthcare and primary care to meet and interact with members inside and outside their own particular methods.
The congress is open for all the professionals, leaders working in Healthcare and technology which includes but not limited to- Healthcare professionals, Healthcare providers, Healthcare Management Specialists, recruiting agencies, Healthcare Investors, Healthcare specialists, Healthcare Workers, Healthcare technology companies, Healthcare Societies /NGO’s and others. Hoping and expect to meet at WCHT 2020 theme to inspire the number of research and look forward to discussing ideas, findings in this International Academic Forum. We hope to see you at Barcelona this June 2020!

To know more please visit:

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Enabling Technologies for Delivering Agile and Cost-Effective Healthcare Outcomes

#healthcare_summit 2017 #healthcare_conference #healthcare_technology #information_technology #digital_health

Exploring Emerging Markets in Healthcare

The total amount of healthcare expenditure throughout the globe is $6.458 Trillion. The total amount in which Europe is spending on Health Care is $1.897 Trillion. The total amount in which Portugal is spending on healthcare is $218 Billion. The total number of healthcare technology companies in Europe is 11,000. The total number of health care companies in Portugal is 725 and their sale is 7400 Euro Millions in 2008. The overall percentage of Health expenditure of Portugal is 4% which contributes 12% of Europe. The total population of Portugal is 46, 071,000. The pharma revenue of Portugal in 2011 is $28 Billion. The pharma revenue of Portugal by 2020 is $19.2 Billion. By 2020 Pharma Revenue will be lower in Portugal.

This event health and technology will focus on variety of healthcare topics, including, but not limited to Health Information Technology, Primary Healthcare, Healthcare and Wellness, Healthcare Industry, Healthcare Technology Management, Healthcare Services, Advanced Healthcare Technology, Health Technology Assessment, Public health, Patient Care & Safety through invited plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, invited sessions and oral and poster sessions of unsolicited contributions.

We believe Healthcare is poised for disruption and the global demand for emerging healthcare technologies will grow in terms of wearable diagnostic devices, Telehealth consulting, and others. It is observed enormous growth in the areas of healthcare and technologies from last one decade and remains interested in Low and Middle Income Countries.

About us: hosts 3000+ Global Events that includes over 1000+ International Conferences, 1000+ Symposiums and 1000+Workshops and preconference workshops on diverse Medical, Pharmaceutical, Clinical, Engineering, Science, Technology, Business and Management fields. Over 25 Million visitors flock to our websites to observe the attest developments in these fields.
Angelina Watts Program Coordinator Healthcare Summit 2017 E-mail:, +1-702-508-5200

Friday, November 11, 2016

Enabling Technologies for Delivering Agile and Cost-Effective Healthcare Outcomes

Title: 10th World Congress on Healthcare and Technologies Lisbon, Portugal
Dates: July 17-18, 2017
Conferenceseries LLC, USA  extend a warm welcome to the distinguished Nobel laureates, speakers, delegates, Healthcare Professionals, Healthcare Researchers, Healthcare Industry leaders and Policy Makers, from around the world to London for attending 10th World Congress on Healthcare and Technologies during July 17-18, 2017 in Lisbon, Portugal. We are proud to announce that Healthcare Summit 2017 is CPD accredited provided by the CPD Standards Office forms part of The Professional Development Consortium.
The theme of the summit “Enabling Technologies for Delivering Agile and Cost-Effective Healthcare Outcomes” aims to bring together leading Healthcare providers and academia including heads of institutions, Professors Researchers and Students to share their experiences and research results about all aspects of Healthcare.
This event will focus on variety of healthcare topics, including, but not limited to Primary Healthcare, Healthcare and Wellness, Healthcare Industry, Healthcare Services, Healthcare and Medical Technology, Advanced Healthcare Technology, Healthcare Informatics, Health Information Technology, Healthcare Solutions, Healthcare Management, Healthcare Organizations, Healthcare Softwares, Public health, Patient Care & Safety through invited plenary lectures, symposia, workshops, invited sessions and oral and poster sessions of unsolicited contributions.
The summit is a ‘Rendezvous of the minds’ for researchers, policy makers and practitioners, who are working towards more integrated approaches and effective responses for affordable healthcare. 
Join us for three intensive and interesting days of discussing contemporary healthcare research. We invite you to contribute and help to shape the summit through submissions of your research abstracts, papers and e-posters. Also, high quality research contributions describing original and unpublished results of conceptual, constructive, empirical, experimental, or theoretical work in all areas of Healthcare Marketing are cordially invited for presentation at the conference.

Professors and deans of health colleges, Graduates from science and social back ground, Business analyst, Doctors, Physicians, People working in Government Healthcare, healthcare sectors, Healthcare policy makers, Healthcare companies, Hospital and skilled nursing home administrators, Community care coordinators, People centered in health policy and planning, Faculty of Health Sciences.